Ep. 237 Ch. 82 “A Kiss in The Dark ”

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 10:30 a.m.

PART 1: Kevin Omura attempts something drastic to keep Amelia from getting drunk before their big mission. PART 2: Hat Thatcher warns the 133rd that the 102nd is under attack.

See all our show credits and info at https://riggstories.com/the-srap-credits

Sponsored Partnership:
“Role vs. Roll” Jack Monkey Games at www.jackmonkeygames.com

Musical Score for This Episode:
"Americana,” “At Launch,” “Batty McFaddin,” “Evening of Chaos,” “Evil March,” “Hidden Agenda,” “Lively Lumpsucker,” “Long Note One,” “Mr. Mealey's Mediocre Machine,” “Professor and the Plant,” “Senbazuru,” “Seven Off,” “Stay The Course,” and “There is Romance” by Kevin MacLeod (
https://incompetech.com) Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)