The Virtual Launch Pad with LaChelle Barnett

Published: May 24, 2020, 9:45 a.m.

5...4...3...2...1 What comes next is supposed to be launch but the launch strategy has changed. We have been shifted to a full-on virtual business lifestyle in a short period of time. LaChelle gave us a great starting point for anyone who needs to or wants to make that shift.

1. Understand your gift
2. Decide what you want to build

Looking at your assets and resources will keep you from getting distracted as this shift is occurring. Asking the right questions and being able to delegate are some of those secret sauce strategies that make you stand out. Even when it comes to choosing a coach or team you have to be clear about what you need and what you want your results to look like.

Understand that your responses to these questions will vary over time as you learn more about your business and yourself.

Lachelle shared in our love of learning how to pivot in our business. That pivot becomes easier when you are able to go back and understand your why. Are you in this business to make an impact, to make income, or both?

Learn more about Lachelle:

Over the last 6 years I have been walking this entrepreneurial journey. When I started I saw an opportunity to create wealth, leave a legacy, impact the world, and even redefine myself in the process. Given my professional experience and educational background I was sure I could grow my own business. And I have, but the process hasn't looked ANYTHING like I thought it would. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot easier than it has been.

I've been in a place where I was working hard, making a great impact but not getting paid much of anything. I've been in a place where I was traveling and speaking on stages, and STILL making little to no money. I have been overwhelmed, I've had information overload. I've hustled and stayed up all night working in my business.

But none of these is my story today. Okay well I occasionally stay up all night but nowadays it's out of pure love of what I do and not because I'm desperately trying to make money. And that didn't work anyway.

And it has been one thing that has allowed me to move from struggle-prenuer to operating as a true CEO, with both time and money freedom. That one thing has been operating has been understanding THE FORMULA for online business. The thing that has helped me most is understanding that brand clarity must come first. and systems must come IMMEDIATELY after. These 2 things allowed me to gain momentum by generating consistent leads and increasing my revenue. There have been the two things that have moved me from what seemed like constant frustration to days filled with excitement.

Professional Experience and Educational Background.

Professional: CEO of Fathers First Inc.
Professional: Professor at Indiana University of South Bend
Professional: Therapist at Oaklawn Psychiatric Center
Professional: Traveling Seminar Presenter for PESI
Education: Bachelors in Sociology (University of Dayton)
Education: Masters in Social Work (Indiana University)
Education: Doctore in Business Administration (one year left) (Walden University)
Licenses: Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Licenses: Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor

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