The tragedies we thought would kill us propelled us with Michael k Jackson

Published: Sept. 27, 2019, 2:28 a.m.

Success is linked to the plan that you put into place. Without a plan, you are grasping at straws or throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. That may get you a few wins but when storms come you will not have any secure foundation. In today's episode, Michael shares his own story of overcoming to be the speaker he is today.

It's about the PLAN
Lean In
Note Take

The things inside you can’t help but come out whether you are speaking on stage or are talking to someone one on one. Michael talked about how when you overthink the process you are at risk of analysis paralysis. Having a clear plan will also allow you to bounce back or recover when life throws you a curveball. It also gives you the support you need because people will always support you when they know your "why".

Michael K. Jackson is a professional speaker, author, and resilience-building strategist. As Founder and CEO of Michael K. Jackson International LLC, he is on a mission to inspire, empower and equip leaders around the world to “bounce back from setbacks and build back stronger”.

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