The Leading Voice Chat on Domestic Violence in 2019

Published: Oct. 26, 2019, 11 a.m.

Altovise Pelzer is an Award-winning Speaker, Author, Live Streamer, Coach and founder of the World Voice League. She also hosts the #SpeakEasy Podcast, your #1 Podcast for unscripted perspectives on becoming and staying a successfully paid Author or Speaker. At her core, she is a mom of four, will break out into impromptu dance parties, take a beach trip or read a book.

Homelessness and molestation greatly affected Altovise. She hit a turning point in her life after decades of being silent about her molestation story even after finding out both her girls were molested. This was the catalyst for her decision to motivate women to “Leverage Their Life’s Circumstances” by learning to love their voice. She takes women from abuse to applause by equipping them to Define, Accept and Use their Voice as a Speaker, Author or Entrepreneur.

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"If I had a gun I would kill you!" Those cutting words became the motivation for the strategic plan of escape. After her silent exodus, author, professional speaker, and Domestic Violence advocate, Dorothea Thea Robinson (X-It Strategist) began a global effort immersed with strategically planning safe passage for women fleeing intimate partner abusive relationships. Founder of the Butterfly Experience: one more butterfly freed and LADV (Life After Domestic Violence) Coach, coaching victims and survivors of abuse to discover who they truly are moving them to their life’s call. Dorothea hosts her LADV-Live weekly series featured on periscope and Facebook. Author of “Your 911 Rebuilt by Grace Alone”, co-author of The Butterfly Experience: one more butterfly freed, and Co-author of the soon to be released “A Stage of Their Own” this Philadelphian is a mother of six, and when not assisting women in achieving their freedom, can be found cooking, reading, and enjoying family time. Locate Ms. Robinson on all social media platforms. Dorothea T Robinson's goal is to ensure that "One more butterfly is freed".

Dorothea Robinson - LADVCOACH

Misty Chaviers is the Director Alabama Dv Rally 2019, domestic violence advocate and host of the I'm a Survivor Podcast. She is a survivor and a visionary.

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