Power of Why with Irene Gabelnick

Published: Jan. 2, 2021, 9:15 a.m.

Our Power of Why statement will be the driving force of our success or our failure. You will and must have something that pushes you to move when things get tough. It also sets a foundation for how you determine your value in three main areas.


Many of the people who have become successful will have a "Power of Why" story that made them go for the opportunity one more time. There is a higher level of creativity achieved when you are determined to win. That being said, a why that lacks deep roots will surely be carried away during your entrepreneurial journey.

This Power of Why series captures the candid responses from several coauthors of the Power of Why Volume 2 anthology. These entrepreneurs are from different ends of the earth with varying levels of experience that extend over 30 years. It is time for you to experience something greater through the eyes of women and men who are at the level where you are trying to go.

Join the co-authors: https://www.purvitantia.com/tpow2-altovise-pelzer

There is power in your words and that is the power source that your ideal customer or client needs. Making the decision to write a book can add to your credibility and your revenue. The strategy that you create for your book will highlight the power of your why. It becomes your legacy...it becomes your networking tool...it becomes your access card.

Irene's nugget:
~ One book can make a huge impact
~ There is power in writing down your goals and strategies
~ Use the imposture syndrome as fuel to become the expert in your industry
~ When you receive negative feedback learn how to use is to better yourself
~ Commit to a schedule
~ Create your own workspace to create in
~ Life does not go on pause while you chase your dreams

Take a stand and boldly say, "I am showing up for me!" ~ Irene

When we think about our "why" we often say our children, our spouse, and even our parents. Very rarely will you hear someone say that their why is them? Showing up boldly sets you apart from the many who display nervousness when they step into a room. That was me at one time. The worrier with low self-esteem and I did not realize the power of my voice. Oh, but when I became #unmuted it was evident that books were my superpower.

Have you found how you can use books in your business? It is a networking tool or for credibility? Come join the conversation by going to bit.ly/worldvoicecommunity

Meet Irene:

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker, and the founder of The Power of Writing. Where she helps entrepreneurs build their brand and scale their business through the Power of Persuasive Writing.

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