Power of Why with Caren Cantrell

Published: Dec. 26, 2020, 8:15 a.m.

Our Power of Why statement will be the driving force of our success or our failure. You will and must have something that pushes you to move when things get tough. It also sets a foundation for how you determine your value in three main areas.


Many of the people who have become successful will have a "Power of Why" story that made them go for the opportunity one more time. There is a higher level of creativity achieved when you are determined to win. That being said, a why that lacks deep roots will surely be carried away during your entrepreneurial journey.

This Power of Why series captures the candid responses from several coauthors of the Power of Why Volume 2 anthology. These entrepreneurs are from different ends of the earth with varying levels of experience that extend over 30 years. It is time for you to experience something greater through the eyes of women and men who are at the level where you are trying to go.

Join the co-authors: https://www.purvitantia.com/tpow2-altovise-pelzer

When I entered the entrepreneurial internet superhighway I was maneuvering through lead magnets, content creation, product launches, and live streaming. You can imagine the noise being shouting from all directions when it comes to business. I found out the hard way that trying to decipher the noise would prove to be necessary if I wanted to be successful.

Then came my first book. It was a major accomplishment for me but I didn't realize the power of what I had. Although most people did not see it, my book became a lead magnet for me. Caren shared some ideas in this episode that will shift how you look at lead magnets.

Myths busted:
~ Everyone is not a target for the products and services that you offer
~ When you work really hard to get everyone on your email list you will not see an increase in sales
~ Vulnerability can create a positive effect on your business
~ When you niche down you are able to build better relationships in your business
~ What you know deserves to be in a book (You can create your own mini books with the information you know)
~ Look at your books like a business card or a networking tool

Caren shared some valuable tools that allow you to be able to use your books as a lead magnet. This goes beyond having a tip sheet like most people doing business online. Have you ever thought about writing a book with only 5000 words? Well, this is the episode that will inspire you to get one done asap.

Meet Caren:

A book publishing expert and owner of 102nd Place - a publishing services company whose passion is helping business owners use their book as a primary lead generation tool for increased revenue and credibility.

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