#50booksin50days the story of Mason Engel author of 2084

Published: Sept. 27, 2019, 11:14 a.m.

When I saw the headline "50 books in 50 days" my eyes brightened. Had someone published 50 books in 50 days or sold 50 books in 50 days. The online article was on "The Republic" website and so I rushed over to see what it was about. Turns out, I was wrong on both accounts. (It happens)

Once I read the story I was intrigued and inspired to talk about it on the #SpeakEasy Podcast show. Of course, I had to put my #SpeakEasy spin on it but I know this episode will encourage those who are newcomers to the industry. Oddly enough, it may spark some things for the author that is seasoned in the industry as well.

There were 7 main takeaways that I got from the article which wasn't a long read.

Lessons on the journey:
1. The journey matters
2. Practice makes you better
3. Sacrifice is needed
4. There is always support
5. Things change
6. Serving and listening
7. Sometime you gotta go off the grid

(original article: http://www.therepublic.com/2019/09/25/50_books_50_days_and_a_car_named_thunder_columbus_native_takes_crosscountry_trip_to_nations_bookstores/)

What we realize, as authors, are that our journies often have many similarities. Mason Engel's experience is much like my own when it comes to the joy of publishing a book and reaching that best seller's list. We often ask ourselves what's next and how we can reach more people. My car of choice was live stream while Mason's was a 1995 Mercury Tracer. Mason ate tuna sandwiches while I ate ramen. (Also known as oodles of noodles)

The most import thing that happens along the way is that we impact lives, including our own. One of the many reasons I love being an Indie Author. Creativity wins again and I am loving every bit of it.

The final piece of this story that stuck with me is enjoying and documenting the journey. I know that it can get difficult and we can find ourselves questioning the validity of our dream but don't quit. As you document your journey that will become fuel to help you succeed. Look back on the moments of success and learn from the moments of unsuccess.

Altovise Pelzer is an Award-winning Speaker, Author, Live Streamer, Coach and founder of the World Voice League. She also hosts the #SpeakEasy Podcast, your #1 Podcast for unscripted perspectives on becoming and staying a successfully paid Author or Speaker. At her core, she is the mom of four, will break out into impromptu dance parties, take a beach trip or read a book.

Homelessness and molestation greatly affected Altovise. She hit a turning point in her life after decades of being silent about her molestation story even after finding out both her girls were molested. This was the catalyst for her decision to motivate women to “Leverage Their Life’s Circumstances” by learning to love their voice. She takes women from abuse to applause by equipping them to Define, Accept and Use their Voice as a Speaker, Author or Entrepreneur.

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