The Joy Of Sex In Marriage -Part 2

Published: Aug. 18, 2016, 2:43 a.m.

Todays The Sir Walter Jones Show is not for the faint at heart. Today is Fireside Friday and I take my filters off to help show you why some marriages aren\'t working out.. especially among MEN! Once we DISMISS sex in the marriage and always lean on the Spirit, we push many of these couples into the arms of another. Is the bed COMPLETELY "Undefiled"?
So yeah, here are some of the topics I will cover today
1. Did Ruth seduce Boaz?
2. Why is the Song of Solomon in the Bible?
3. The Importance of Kissing
4. Why are different sexual positions important?
5. What NOT to wear to bed at night
6. Is Oral Sex a Sin?
7. Why Pornography is dangerous in marriage
8. Can we make our own sex video?
9. Sexual positions that are FORBIDDEN to do
10. What is BDSM? Is it a Sin?
11. Are Sex Toys a Sin?

TUNE in at 4pm Central TODAY on Facebook Live stream ONLY or on after the show!'