Eve - Is She a Rib or a Thorn?

Published: July 10, 2015, 2:17 a.m.

b'Her man comes home after a hard days work, expecting to smell dinner cooking when he enters the house, greet him at the door with a kiss and half dressed... he is to sit in his favorite chair, dog/cat by his side, hand him his slippers, a pipe and a newspaper, turn Walter Cronkite on, ask him about his day and then bring him his plate and then sit next to him in silence. Good times, Good times.

You think this is a script from a movie or Tv show? Well, think again... this was your typical American home back in the day. Fast forward today and I DARE men expect this from his woman now.. Who created that woman of the 1950\'s to be that way and what was the role of EVE to ADAM? When a woman screams loud, I DON\'T NEED NO MAN, what is she REALLY saying?

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