EP 50 Marcia Wieder, Queen of Dreams

Published: Aug. 7, 2018, 7 a.m.

Marcia Wieder — Dream Coach, best-selling author, and founder of Dream University — believes we should all get what we want. She says we need to put aside our “myth of prerequisites” that tells us we can’t do this, or have that, until (fill in the blank) and start living the lives our dreams right now. That’s exactly what she did when she packed her bags and began her beautiful life in Rome. With her newest book, Dream: Create and Clarify What You Want, Marcia is lighting the path for us all to go after our dreams with confidence and grace.



[2:26] Sheri recaps her recent trip to Montreal, where she met up with others in the Transformational Leadership Council. Founded by world-renowned Chicken Soup for the Soul author Jack Canfield, this group is full of luminaries and visionaries. This is where Sheri met Marcia and immediately knew that her story would be an inspiration to the DreamTribe.

[5:01] We each carry around our own “myth of prerequisites” that keeps us from reaching for our dreams. Prerequisites like, “I can’t find love until I lose this weight” or “I’ll change jobs once the kids are in college” are myths that keep us away from taking inspired action here and now.

[23:50] The key to manifestation is to share your dream in a way that inspires other people to help you, hire you, or invest in you.

[25:16] At Dream University, students learn the fundamentals of “CBA.” Get Clear, Believe in your dreams, and take Action. When you know what your purpose is, you aren’t spending your life climbing up the wrong mountain or chasing someone else’s vision.

[27:52] Radical self-care is the most important thing to keep us on track. Marcia discusses the inspiration behind her new book: Dream: Clarify and Create What You Want.

[29:14] To bring our dreams to reality, we must find out who we are, what our purpose is, the dreams that matter most to us, and then discern what we’re doing and thinking that supports them, and what we may need to cut out of our lives to clear the path.   

[30:04] The Number #1 way we sabotage our dreams is by projecting fears and doubts into them. 

[32:16] Accessing joy through your dreams is good for the world, and even crucial to your health. 

[41:09] The myth of prerequisites blows the lid off our limiting beliefs. For Marcia, she was putting off her dream of living in Rome by believing she needed to tend to her elderly parents. Once they gave her the green light to move, she took a chance and found she made the right choice.

[46:02] The more you get comfortable talking about your dreams the better, so find a dream buddy, coach, and community that will hold you accountable. We are never too old to go after our dreams; our duty is to develop a strategy and plan to get over our obstacles.

[49:24] We each have the Dreamer, the Doubter, and the Realist inside of us.  

[52:20] If you love helping people achieve their dreams, consider becoming a Dream Coach.  

[57:31] The Dream University homepage is loaded with free resources when you sign up, including a FREE 10-Step guide to achieving real results on personal and professional dreams.



Mentioned in This Episode:

Dream University

Transformational Leadership Council

Aura Basilica Montreal

Dream: Clarify And Create What You Want, by Marcia Wieder

The Pillar Life