EP 40 Christy Whitman Unpacks the 7 Universal Laws

Published: May 29, 2018, 7 a.m.

Christy Whitman is a transformational leader, best-selling author and one of the foremost experts on the 7 Universal Laws. She joins Sheri and Nancy to share how they can manifest their biggest dreams, and she shows us all that it is not only possible, but our birthright to have what we want in life. Christy unpacks the Universal Laws and describes key practices for awareness and mindfulness so that we can train ourselves to get more of what we want, and less of what we don’t.


Whether we are aware of it or not, each of us is an “energy tower” sending out signals and vibrations all day. And in turn, energy boomerangs right back to us — sometimes what we get back confounds us. Sometimes it feels like the opposite of what we want. But whenever we practice appreciation and gratitude, we get back abundant deliciousness. That’s the big secret to success. Tune in and learn how.



[2:09] Don’t forget to join Sheri and Nancy at their inaugural live event in the redwood forests outside of Santa Cruz: This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend. They have an amazing line-up of teachers and tribe-builders who are going to help harness our collective energy and ignite our dreams. Tickets are on sale now at 1440.org/thisisfifty.

[3:47] Nancy gives a shout-out to a far-flung family member who is a loyal “This is Fifty” listener and Dream Tribe member. Sheri reveals the exciting news that podcast superstars Gretchen Rubin and Elizabeth Craft of the “Happier” and now “Happier in Hollywood” podcasts honored them with a Gold Star, their seal of approval. Thank you all for the love!

[9:39] Practicing the art of manifesting gives you the confidence it takes to shift your life.

[13:02] It often feels like we neglect one Pillar when another one is thriving. For example, maybe you have Health & Wellness going strong but your Romance & Sex pillar is lacking. Remember, it is out of that contrast that we get to discover what we want to deliberately create.

[16:59] Most people tend to focus on what they don’t want. But when you focus on what you lack or don’t want, it’s impossible to create abundance.

[19:17] We should all shift  to deliberate creation. Ask yourself: What do I want, why do I want that and how would I feel once I get itl?

[19:47] It takes 17 seconds to shift a vibration and 68 seconds for law of attraction to bring you evidence of different than what you had before.

[22:08] One of the Seven Laws is the “Law of Sufficiency and Abundance” —  this means we cannot attract abundance when  we are in any limitation or lack. Appreciation and gratitude are the doorways to abundance.

[28:07]  If you are feeling hurt, sad, betrayed or any other negative emotion, take 90 seconds and sit in the feeling with stillness. Really feel the negative emotion and let it peacefully leave your body. After time, you can practice visualizing bringing light in, and then apply other meditative practices to raise your vibration.

[31:28] Christy explains the 7 Universal Laws: The Law of Attraction, Law of Deliberate Creation, Law of Allowing, Law of Sufficiency and Abundance (the one Christy deems as most important to learn and apply), Law of Pure Potentiality, Law of Detachment, Law of Polarity.

[46:38] Christy’s next book will be out in September. It is called Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for Thriving, Joyful and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money. Christy finds that most people have mixed up meaning and programming about money, and this book will help us all self regulate and generate some more of that green energy!

[55:23] Christy is spreading the abundance and offering everyone in the DreamTribe a free Quantum Success book. You can get this amazing offer by going to story.co and joining the DreamTribe. The link for the free book will be sent to you!


Mentioned in This Episode:

Emily Zisman

Gretchen Rubin


Happier in Hollywood

Christy Whitman

Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for Thriving, Joyful and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money, by Christy Whitman


