The Underdog Community

Published: May 29, 2016, 10 a.m.


As we\\u2019ve discovered in the \\u201cUnderdog\\u201d series, God has a track record of using individual underdogs to do amazing things. However, throughout history, God also has a track record of forging underdog communities to accomplish His purposes. David\\u2019s \\u201cmighty men\\u201d in the book of Samuel is such a community. Before they meet David, we are told that to a man they \\u201cwere in distress or in debt or discontented.\\u201d However, under David\\u2019s leadership, God used them to do amazing things. God continues to fashion similar communities to this day. Jesus called it \\u201cthe church\\u201d and he declared that the \\u201cgates of Hell would not prevail against it.\\u201d
