I'm Not Qualified Enough

Published: April 3, 2016, 10 a.m.


Often, characters in the Bible are cast as spiritual heroes. The truth is, however, that God doesn\\u2019t often use the brightest and the best. He uses the outcast, the outsider, the least likely to succeed\\u2026the underdog. This is good news and gives hope to those of us who feel the same way about ourselves in some area of our lives. Although King David did many amazing things in his life, he started out as an underdog. In fact, his father thought of him as a dreamer of sorts (the family \\u201cmusician\\u201d) and voted him his least likely offspring to become King of Israel. But, God doesn\\u2019t not judge by outward appearance as does most of the world, but by what\\u2019s in our heart. The heart fully devoted to God can accomplish amazing thing in the Kingdom!
