Talking Tacos Episode 99: The Boys Don't Watch Soccer

Published: Dec. 27, 2022, 1:52 a.m.

b'Episode 99 of Talking Tacos is here. That\\u2019s one before 100, for those of you keeping track. We\\u2019re joined this week by special guests Jenna and Courtney and the gringo tacos. Matt was an idiot and scheduled his Rotten Tomato Fantasy League draft at the same time as tacos, so he spends most of his time drafting and talking about his dumb movie picks. But he takes the appropriate time to shit on Avatar because it\\u2019s a terrible movie. Meme of the Week \\u2122 makes a brief return because Zoolander memes, for some reason, are trending right now. No idea why, but they are. Doctor Dave explains why soccer is a bad sport. Chris and Matt explain their \\u201crivalry\\u201d. And our hot sauce this week is from local company, Sauce Bae, and it\\u2019s their Hotter Habanero sauce with turmeric. Tequila and tacos baby!'