Talking Tacos Episode 89: The Boys Eat Fish Tacos (but not the lady kind)

Published: Oct. 18, 2022, 8:51 p.m.

b'On episode 89 of Talking Tacos, the boys eat fish tacos (chuckle, chuckle) but like actual fish tacos. It would be a little weird if we were all eating the other kind all at the same time in a public restaurant. All jokes aside, the fish taco special at Loteria this week absolutely FUCKED. It was a crispy fish taco which the boys are immediately campaigning to replace the current fish taco on the menu. The regular fish taco is great, this crispy one is just better. \\n\\nThis was a big week on Talking Tacos as the boys introduced (ripped off) the One Chip Revue. One chip\\u2026nobody knows the rules. In this episode we sampled another hot sauce from Outer Limits, the Weed Eater, and it was incredible. We still need to figure out an official rating system, but this one was a good time. Not too high on the heat scale, but wonderful on the flavor scale; easily an everyday hot sauce. Listen to us argue the specifics. \\n\\nWe also have some good Formula 1 debates about the Cost Capgate and a related yet anemic niche meme of the week \\u2122. Meme Lords have been slacking, or perhaps nothing really interesting has been going on in the world? \\n\\nWould you rather see a good band play a so-so show? Or see a so-so band play an absolute banger show? We debate. That, and much more.'