Talking Tacos Episode 85: The Boys Can't Save the Queen

Published: Sept. 16, 2022, 7:05 p.m.

b'On episode 85 of Talking Tacos, the boys can\\u2019t save the queen, not that we really tried because fuck the monarchy and all rulers. You can obviously guess what Meme of the Week \\u2122 was this week as the world either celebrated or mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth. We\\u2019re just here for the memes and boy, have the meme lords been sitting on these nuggets for a while - a surprising amount of Princess Di content too. And for the first time ever, we have a true Meme of the Week \\u2122 runner up, dull Chris Pine. A few days prior to the Queen\\u2019s death there was a hilarious rumor going around that Harry Styles had spit on Chris Pine (he didn\\u2019t) and somehow we got a meme from that. Unfortunately, Chris Pine was almost immediately overtaken by the Queen. \\n\\nThis week was a bit different in that we ended up at El Rey in Asbury Park and have once again left with a discount code for all of your wonderful people! The code is ONLY good at the Asbury Park location! Tell your server the randomly generated code that we gave them, 042984, and get 20% off your order! The code is good through the end of September. \\n\\nThe boys also talk about the stupid racist rage of people upset about the black Little Mermaid. What a bunch of neckbeards. The Mexican Pizza officially returns to Taco Bell, for good! George R.R. Martin lost a bet and had to include his friend in Game of Thrones, and much more. Local summer is in full effect this week!'