Talking Tacos Episode 77: The Boys Do Not Negotiate with Terrorists

Published: July 8, 2022, 10:22 p.m.

b'On episode 77 of Talking Tacos the boys prove that they do not negotiate with terrorists; not 9/11 terrorists but rather blackmailing internet catfish terrorists. Doctor Dave has quite the tale of a recent attempt to blackmail him via a seductive catfish and in true Doctor fashion, he turns it back on them with a simple, \\u201cgo right ahead\\u201d. It\\u2019s a great story made even better by the fact that a very similar thing also happened to Matt about 15 years ago. It\\u2019s also double story time with the homeless man\\u2019s \\u201cautism party\\u201d in Red Bank. \\n\\nMeme of the Week \\u2122 is the end to pride month and corporations going full hetero again. We talk about dating apps and do a review of the table basket hot sauces since we ran out of local sauces to try! Special guests Kung Fu Joe, Jenna, and Courtney. Grab your tequila and your joints.'