Talking Tacos Episode 71: The Boys Celebrate Doctor Dave's Birthday

Published: May 13, 2022, 8:49 p.m.

b'In episode 71 the boys celebrate Doctor Dave\\u2019s birthday by listening to him talk about the Big Lebowski for 38 uninterrupted minutes. His thesis, as it were, is that Donnie\\u2019s death (24-year old spoiler alert) is the saddest and most pathetic death in cinema history. He\\u2019s got a point. We also provide an extensive review of two sauces from Merf\\u2019s, based in Colorado; the Electric Lime and Peaches and Scream. Merf, if you\\u2019re listening, I can\\u2019t find your shit on Instagram so tag yourself! We also talk about KISS coffins, planting a tree from yourself when you\\u2019re dead, and just death in general for some reason. But it all comes full circle when we speculate on reincarnation as Scarlett Johannson\\u2019s bicycle seat. But it\\u2019s like\\u2026funny and stuff. Death and tacos! Tune in you bastards'