Talking Tacos Episode 116: The Boys Go To Taliercio's

Published: April 16, 2023, 10:39 p.m.

b'On episode 116 of Talking Tacos the boys go to Taliercio\\u2019s. Well, just Doctor Dave and Matt went. The subs were expensive, tasty, and largely overrated. Not a bad sandwich by a long shot, but there are better sandwiches in Monmouth County alone. Certainly not worth the \\u201cbest of NJ\\u201d vote. We also try another sauce from our Pepper Crusaders\\u2019 batch, the Enoch. It was pretty good. We also invent our own Seinfeld bit, talk to random strangers on the street, and discuss Bon Jovi\\u2019s son\\u2019s engagement to Eleven.'