Talking Tacos Episode 111: The Boys Miss Matt

Published: March 21, 2023, 2:27 a.m.

b'On episode 111 of Talking Tacos, the boys miss Matt. Like, really really miss him. Someone named PAT Magnifico tried to coerce the boys into forgetting Matt, but it didn\\u2019t take. In classic Doctor Dave fashion, he broke first on the challenge of going the entire episode without mentioning Matt. This week, with Matt on vacation, Chris was a champion and worked the board and did it flawlessly. Shore Sauce\\u2019s mango habanero makes a surprise #onechip appearance. Toblerone is apparently outsourcing their production to a place where they aren\\u2019t allowed to use the trademark Matterhorn. Kids piss on the walls of Netti\\u2019s. Twin Lights rules. White women love true crime shit. You ever listen to your own podcast? We do.'