Ready Set Revue Episode 68: Hawkeye Part 1

Published: Dec. 13, 2021, 10:06 p.m.

b'On this episode of Ready Set Revue we take a close look at the first four episodes of Hawkeye, streaming on Disney Plus. This series signals a return to a more street level style of storytelling (though Falcon and Winter Soldier had a lot of that too)but this one feels more rooted with villains like Echo and the Track Suit Gang. We are introduced to Kate Bishop, who is played perfectly by Hailee Steinfeld, and a very different Clint Barton after the events of Endgame. The series has surprising emotional depth, excellent character development, classic MCU action, and a bunch of mystery. Lots of characters are hiding things in this show and of course, we debate whether or not the Kingpin will show up as the internet suggests. Tune in, True Revuers!'