Matt and Mike Read Comics Episode 10: The Ultimates

Published: Nov. 19, 2023, 8:56 p.m.

b'Episode 10 of Matt and Mike Read Comics is the ultimate\\u2026universe. Remember this thing? It\\u2019s hard to believe that this grim and bleak alternate version of the Marvel universe populated by absolute dickhead \\u201cheroes\\u201d is what the MCU that we all know and love is based off of. Mark Millar and Marvel wanted to shock people with their borderline insane take on the beloved heroes of Marvel who are normally likable. These Ultimates (the Avengers) are not likable in any way. Except for Hawkeye. Hawkeye rules in these books. We take a look at the first three Ultimate story arcs and how they make their key heroes progressively less likable. Read Ultimate Spider-Man instead'