Flickin It Episode 109: The Creator - Loki - Gen V

Published: Jan. 14, 2024, 9:40 p.m.

b'Episode 109 of Flickin\\u2019 It, with Matt and Will covers a bunch! Loki season 2, Gen V season 1, and The Creator. Where to begin! You\\u2019ll have to listen for the whole report, but here are the basics. The Creator is a massive letdown. One of the most beautifully shot movies either of us have ever seen, cut down by tepid acting and a storyline that jumps the biggest shark in the last decade. Loki season 2 was confusing as fuck, but ultimately very good and a wonderful setup for the future. It was also a heartwarming and extremely satisfying close to Loki\\u2019s story (for now). Gen V fucks. I t fucks so hard. We can\\u2019t wait for the Boys now.'