Canon Fodder Episode 25 Lord of the Rings: Part 1

Published: Sept. 8, 2022, 8:10 p.m.

b'Episode 25 of Canon Fodder is rightfully a special one. Not only is it the first in a three-part series on the Lord of the Rings universe, it was also recorded live during a special cocktail event hosted by the Revue Podcast Network\\u2019s sponsor, 3BR in Keyport, NJ. The event was a day of Tolkien-inspired cocktails, of which Matt, Ed, and their special guests sampled plenty. Spoiler alert, they were amazing. \\n\\nPart one of our LoTR focuses on the original Peter Jackson trilogy - The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King - and the subsequent Hobbit trilogy (the latter of which was way inferior). The original Peter Jackson trilogy of movies were pretty much the zenith of epic adventure filmmaking when they were released and, in many ways, still are. It\\u2019s fun to see where shows like Game of Thrones drew inspiration from. There\\u2019s not a whole lot of fodder in these six movies, but we do have some good conversation on the upcoming Amazon show, Rings of Power, and what we think it will bring us. \\n\\nSorry you couldn\\u2019t have been there to join us for cocktails, but trust us, they were amazing.'