Canon Fodder Episode 22: The Matrix Universe

Published: April 17, 2022, 5:54 p.m.

b'On the 22nd episode of Canon Fodder we unplug from (or plug into?) the Matrix Universe. What a ride this episode is. Like many of the universes that we talk about, this one starts out great in the groundbreaking and revolutionary first installment, 1999\\u2019s The Matrix. A breakthrough in every sense of the word, The Matrix posed some serious philosophical questions about human nature and the concept of control while delivering a truly unique story and some of the best action scenes possibly ever. It kind of goes downhill from there, but there are definitely flashes of greatness in installments like the collection of animated shorts in the Animatrix and the timeless video game, Enter the Matrix. The drink of the podcast this episode was some French wine, in honor of the hokey and ridiculous Merovingian. Like everything we discuss, there\\u2019s a lot of greatness here and also a lot of shit, so let\\u2019s have some fun and laugh at this mess.'