Foreclosures - Learn How To Work The List Like A Pro

Published: May 7, 2017, 7:13 p.m.

b"The foreclosure list - too many people work this list the wrong way.\\xa0 So, I put together a podcast explaining how to work the list the right way. If you're on a budget then this tactic will produce consistent leads with very little money. Have questions?\\xa0 Connect with me on Facebook REI Partner Podcast \\xa0 Best time to talk to motivated sellers - Monday through Friday from 5pm-7pm If no one answers then leave a tri-fold.\\xa0 Make sure you include your phone number, a nice logo, and incentives on why they should work with you. \\xa0 2 Ways To Do The Deal - Buy the property - Equity split with the seller \\xa0 Incentives Pay for the move Lease back Pay for storage Set them up in an apartment"