Episode 220: #Psychology Of #Diplomacy

Published: Sept. 13, 2021, 5:12 p.m.

b'Diplomacy is a skill that often takes years to teach. It is carefully crafted communication respecting the rules of the recipient. Diplomats get sent in to smooth feathers ruffled by politicians most of whom especially in the current UK government seem to care little for truth or integrity or harmony. Diplomacy is the art of making the other people feel understood and empathised with and collaborated with sprinkled with appropriate humour which is a trait unique to humans as opposed to our ape cousins. Leaders need to have diplomatic skills in addition to their specialist team behind them. It is a reflection of the disintegration of society that most modern leaders being entirely self serving care nothing about diplomacy. An example being #boris Johnson and #dominic Cummings. If you are not liked your days are numbered. Interestingly Boris Johnson got elected as he was liked and used humour. Unfortunately his true colours camouflaged by pandemic hysteria are slowly emerging.
Thanks to Alexis Ferraris who recorded Read Between the Lines with The Reason For Now