Schiff Happens - Is The Real Crash Yet to Come?

Published: June 4, 2012, 1 a.m.

b'Peter Schiff is our guest for this episode. In his 3rd appearance on The Real Estate Guys radio show, Schiff tells us about his latest book, "The Real Crash - America\\u2019s Coming Bankruptcy".\\xa0 Scary title (and you thought the Mayan calendar thing was alarming)!\\xa0 But remember:\\xa0 In his 2006 book, "Crash Proof" Peter Schiff was right about the mortgage meltdown. So this time we\'re all ears. In this interview, Peter reminds us that in his follow up book, "Crash Proof 2.0", he also predicted how the Fed and the government would react to the mortgage meltdown: with massive stimulus (a.k.a. printing currency).\\xa0 Once again, Peter Schiff was right.\\xa0 In "The Real Crash - America\\u2019s Coming Bankruptcy", Peter Schiff warns that the ultimate crash will be caused by the ultimate bubble: government bonds and the U.S. dollar.\\xa0 Now he may or may not be right this time, but we\'re sure you\\u2019ll want to hear what he has to say.\\xa0 The good news is that according to Peter, there are things you can do right now to protect yourself.\\xa0 Curious?\\xa0 Then tune in and make some Schiff happen to you! The Real Estate Guys\\u2122 radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.\\xa0\\xa0 Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter at'