Episode 1714: SRA UPDATE PART 38 D HYBRIDS godmen satanic rituals .....tools to forge 'chosen ones'

Published: July 20, 2021, 11:24 p.m.

b'https://us15.campaign-archive.com/?u=012a44d6e7986cf7f82de120f&id=40698be2be\\n\\n \\u201cThe Dying God shall rise again! The secret room in the House of the Hidden Places shall be rediscovered. The Pyramid again shall stand as the ideal emblem of solidarity, inspiration, aspiration, resurrection, and regeneration. [6] Over the years, biblical scholar Gary Stearman has written extensively about Nimrod (Apollo/Osiris/Gilgamesh) and the connection this historical figure has with Babylonian Mystery Religion, Watchers, Nephilim (including their resurrection), and the spirit of the end-times Antichrist and revival of paganism. He too appears to believe the coming of Antichrist represents a return of Nimrod. \\u201cBut who is this Assyrian,\\u201d he asked in the July 2001 Prophecy in the News Magazine, \\u201cHe is none other than the spiritual inheritor of the first great post-Flood religious apostasy. He is the keeper of the great heritage that began at the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. Its founder was Nimrod\\u2026. He is the Antichrist, the future despot who comes in the name of the ancient mystery religion.\\u201d A year earlier, in June of 2000, Stearman had written in Prophecy in the News concerning Nimrod: \\u201cHe was a rebel who allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. After the Flood, his rebellion became the foundation of mankind\\u2019s greatest religious apostasy. Down through 90 From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR \\xa9 the generations, this system of false worship became known simply as the \\u201cBabylonian Mystery Religion.\\u201d Its basis is quite clear. It attempts to channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of one, powerful man. Nimrod became that god\\u2026\\u201d [emphasis]. Alexander Hislop in his classic text The Two Babylons substantiates Stearman\\u2019s thesis that the Babylonian Mystery Religion was based on the worship of Nimrod. \\u201cIt was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed,\\u201d he wrote (p.20). Yet Stearman sees that the Mystery Religion continued secretly through the ages, shrouded in hiding by adepts of the occult in anticipation of a final moment when the ancient spirit should be awakened. \\u201c\\u2026corrupt priesthoods have flourished, carrying with them the shadow of Nimrod and his ancient mysteries. Their inner secrets have been known by various names, including alchemy, magic, sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth\\u2026. waiting for the prophesied day when it would rise once again. This movement will result in the reign of the Antichrist.\\u201d In addition to the supernatural aspects that biotechnology could provide the Luciferian technology to resurrect Nimrod/Apollo/Osiris in the person of the last days Man of Sin, the ramifications of using the same science to revive extinct animals, Nephilim, or to create newly engineered versions of demigods and mythological animals may also play a role in the Kingdom of Antichrist. This is because as interbreeding begins between transgenic animals, genetically modified humans, and specie as God made them, the altered DNA will quickly migrate into the natural environment, and when that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and animals), \\u2018alien\\u2019 and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread through intermarriage, altering the human genetic code and eventually eliminating humanity as we know it. This is what happened before the Great Flood according to many theologians, and perhaps that has been the whole idea for the end-times as well\\u2014to create a generation of genetically altered \\u2018Nimrods\\u2019 to serve as \\u2018fit extensions\\u2019 for the resurrection of underworld Nephilim-hordes in preparation of Armageddon. Does a curious verse in the book of Daniel hint at this? Speaking of the last days of human government, Daniel said: \\u201c\\u2026they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay\\u201d (Dan. 2:43). While Daniel does not explain who they that \\u201cmingle themselves with the seed of men\\u201d are, the personal pronoun they caused Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman in their book Alien Encounters to ask: \\u201cJust what (or who) are \\u2018mingling with the seed of men?\\u2019 Who are these Non-seed? It staggers the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel\\u2019s passage and its implications for the future global governance.\\u201d [7] 91 From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR \\xa9 Daniel\\u2019s verse troubled Missler and Eastman because it seemed to indicate that the same phenomenon that occurred in Genesis chapter 6 where non-human species or \\u2018non-seed\\u2019 mingled with human seed and produced Nephilim, would happen again in the end times. When this verse from Daniel is coupled with Genesis 3:15, which says, \\u201cAnd I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera,] and her seed,\\u201d an incredible tenant emerges\\u2014that Satan has seed, and that it is at enmity with Christ. To \\u2018mingle\\u2019 non-human seed with Homo sapiens through altering human DNA while simultaneously returning Nephilim to earth has been the inspiration of the spirit of antichrist ever since God during the Great Flood halted the practice. According to Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier in The Dawn of Magic (first published in France under the title \\u201cLe Matin des Magiciens\\u201d 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris), this was certainly the goal of the antichrist Adolf Hitler: Hitler\\u2019s aim was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. His real aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the \\u201capparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men.\\u201d [8] One cannot read the conclusion by Pauwells and Bergier regarding Hitler\\u2019s antichrist ambition without seeing how it corresponds perfectly with the Cumaean Sibyl\\u2019s prophecy pertaining to the coming of Apollo, who receives \\u201cthe life of gods, and sees Heroes with gods commingling.\\u201d This calls to mind that from the Middle Ages forward, church leaders have believed the Antichrist would ultimately represent the return of the Nephilim\\u2014the reunion of demons with humans. St. Augustine himself wrote of such demoniality in the City of God [9], and in the De Daemonialitate, et Incubis, et Succubi, Fr. Ludovicus Maria Sinistrari de Ameno (1622-1701) also perceived the coming of Antichrist as representing the biological hybridization of demons with humans. \\u201cTo theologians and philosophers,\\u201d he wrote, \\u201cit is a fact, that from the copulation of humans with the demon\\u2026Antichrist must be born.\\u201d [10]\\u201d from https://www.auricmedia.net/nimrods-tomb-foundcloning-of-nimrod-and-osiris-underway/ \\u2018\\u2019They ignored the Nazi camps, they just couldn\\u2019t believe that such atrocities and evil could be done\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026.I contend with the coming of the antichrist and the \\u2018chosen ones\\u201d troops of antichrist they will\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026.make the Nazi camps look like a picnic.\\u2019\\u2019 rd\\xa0\\n\\nhttps://duckduckgo.com/?q=song+waymaker&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEXQGTInPpZU'