Episode 1685: SRA UPDATE PART 29 C WHAT WENT WRONG investigations news and cover up

Published: May 24, 2021, 11 p.m.

b'https://us15.campaign-archive.com/?u=012a44d6e7986cf7f82de120f&id=25407e7147\\n\\nTHE CLAIMS OF SATANIC PANIC SYNDROME\\n\\u2022 It is all witch hunt and the false memory foundation.\\n\\u2022 There is no evidence.\\n\\u2022 All the victims were strung along. \\n\\u2018\\u2019Let\\u2019s make it very clear\\u2026\\u2026to falsely accuse another person of being a perpetrator of satanic \\nritual abuse or of child sex abuse crimes and it\\u2019s a fact that they are not and never were\\u2026\\u2026..is \\nhorrific abuse in and of itself. Those who do so should be exposed and criminally charged.\\u2019\\u2019 \\nRD\\n2. THE CAUSE OF SATANIC PANIC SYNDROME \\n\\u2022 The stories began to flow in and had to be responded to\\n\\u2022 Lives were at stake.\\n\\u2022 If there is no SRA then what is this?\\n\\u2022 The causes:\\na. The arrival of the victims\\nb. The complexity of the damage\\nc. The complexity of tracking, webbing & investigating.\\nd. Who knows what this is? Who has the knowledge?\\ne. Bad investigations equaled bad reporting.\\nf. Bad spiritual warfare application49 From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR \\xa9\\ng. Lack of pursuit\\nh. The sowing of disinformation\\ni. The reality of denial programming \\nj. The cover-up of the century \\nk. Is it really just \\u2026\\u2026\\u2026. too bizarre?\\nhttps://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=christian+song+of+hope&&view=detail&mid=ED90682574DAFA7257F4ED90682574DAFA7257F4&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dchristian%2Bsong%2Bof%2Bhope%26FORM%3DHDRSC3'