Episode 1644: CANCELLED PART 4 B New world order /supra human and the end game

Published: March 10, 2021, midnight

b'There is no\\u2026\\u2026no new world order that is secular, it\\u2019s all Luciferic. The more it \\nmanifests the more the \\u2018supra-human\\u2019 nature of it will be seen. And at one\\npoint, when this dark system springs out\\u2026\\u2026. nothing on earth will stop it.\\nIt brings the greatest deception in all of collective history\\nIt results in the greatest destruction history would ever experience\\n3. IT WILL BE BEHIND THE SCENES LONG BEFORE IS ARRIVES\\n\\u2022 The mystery of iniquity \\u2018a global interface\\u2019 demon-human\\n\\u2022 It will infiltrate, animate and permeate the world with preparation\\na. The dark blood n guts very hidden rituals\\nb. More demons manifesting than ever\\nc. Massive spiritual counterfeits\\nd. Political military wealthy and tech elite\\ne. Drugs, perversion, violence \\u2026. abounding wickedness\\n4. IT WILL SET THE STAGE\\n\\u2022 Embed satanic troops\\n\\u2022 A chaos that collapses everything we now know\\n\\u2022 A release of a new order to \\u2018save the day\\u2019\\n\\u2022 Supra-control, suppression and elimination \\n\\u2022 A march to Armageddon \\n5. IT WILL BURST UPON THE WORLD AS NOTHING ELSE IN ALL HISTORY\\n\\u2022 Revelation 13 \\u2026\\u2026.it will spring out\\n\\u2022 As if out of nowhere\\n\\u2022 Full force/manifestation of satan-the dragon himself\\n\\u2022 Full power, authority and throne\\n6. IT HAS AN END GAME BEYOND HUMAN CONSIDERATION OR DEFENSE \\n\\u2022 STOP the second coming of Jesus \\n\\u2022 ARMAGEDDON IS \\u2026\\u2026\\u2026.\\nhttps://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+triumph+of+the+lord+song&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dthe%2btriumph%2bof%2bthe%2blord%2bsong%26FORM%3dHDRSC3&view=detail&mid=6F7424343A5EDF195F616F7424343A5EDF195F61&&FORM=VDRVRV'