Episode 1643: CANCELLED PART 4 A NEW WORLD ORDER and speedy G :))

Published: March 8, 2021, 11 p.m.

b'THE NWO \\u2026 is not only a global discussion written about by many and discussed \\nby millions. From popes to politicians to bookstore coffee shop buzz the theme\\nof a new world order has become a household term. From Hitler and the Nazis \\nto Bush 1, to the Mayans -new age declarations- to globalists think tanks and \\nbeyond \\u2026 (UFO, alien new age, transhumanists, Masons, satanists, tech giants, \\ngovernments, militaries etc.) new world order hoping, and its quest is \\nembedded in the thinking, polices and counterfeit spiritual doctrines and \\ndeclarations of \\u2026. billions. Truly this is preparation from hell\\u2019s kitchen itself. \\nThe issue is:\\na. Is it real\\nb. Is it near\\nc. Who wants it\\nd. What is the truth about it \\n1. IT\\u2019S A REAL AGENDA \\n\\u2022 Not just conjecture \\n\\u2022 It is a conspiracy \\n It is supra-human/supernaturally cloaked\\u2026 for now\\n Only by God alone is it exposed\\n2. IT\\u2019S A SUPRA-HUMAN AGENDA\\n\\u2022 Not my human hands\\n\\u2022 Conception in \\u2018hell\\u2019s kitchen\\n\\u2022 The devil \\u2026. has a mind\\u2026\\u2026.and a willPDF LIVE NOTES FOR THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST WORLDWIDE By Russ Dizdar\\xa9 15\\nThere is no\\u2026\\u2026no new world order that is secular, it\\u2019s all Luciferic. The more it \\nmanifests the more the \\u2018supra-human\\u2019 nature of it will be seen. And at one\\npoint, when this dark system springs out\\u2026\\u2026. nothing on earth will stop it.\\nIt brings the greatest deception in all of collective history\\nIt results in the greatest destruction history would ever experience\\n\\nhttps://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+triumph+of+the+lord+song&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dthe%2btriumph%2bof%2bthe%2blord%2bsong%26FORM%3dHDRSC3&view=detail&mid=8EB3B2CAF61D8BAF45128EB3B2CAF61D8BAF4512&rvsmid=B2FD039A23F7D58AE1F8B2FD039A23F7D58AE1F8&FORM=VDRVRV'