Published: Feb. 10, 2021, midnight

b'RIPPING INTO POLITICAL CORRUPTION & SPIRITUAL DARKNESS\\n THE NEW \\u2018RESET\\u2019\\nWhat it means for you and the body of Christ\\nOSTRACIZING 150 MILLION OR MORE & OSTRACIZING GOD\\nFRIDAY 2/5/2021\\n5 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR EYES ON GOD AND HOPE\\nRemember this, and show yourselves men;\\n bring it to mind again, O transgressors.\\n9 Remember the former things of old,\\n for I am God, and there is no other;\\n I am God, and there is no one like Me,\\n10 declaring the end from the beginning,\\n and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying,\\n\\u201cMy counsel shall stand,\\n and I will do all My good pleasure,\\u201d\\nIsaiah 46\\nThe story of the man in the casket\\nPREEMPTOR\\nNEWS\\nIntro\\nPDF LIVE NOTES FOR THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST .COM By Russ Dizdar \\xa9 14\\n1. GOD IS AT WORK TO THE END\\n\\u2022 Pledged\\n\\u2022 That none should perish\\n\\u2022 Set up to save.\\n\\u2022 Restrict and limit of evil.\\n2. THE END IS IN HIS HANDS\\n\\u2022 God is God and no one else is.\\n\\u2022 God says so.\\n\\u2022 God gives pictures.\\n3. THE END IS \\u2026\\u2026NECESSARY.\\n\\u2022 The blood and guts\\u2026 when will it stop.\\nStopping the madness\\n4. THE END IS THE END OF ALL THIS BLOOD AND GUTS\\n\\u2022 The past\\n\\u2022 The present\\n\\u2022 The near future\\n5. THE END IS THE BEGINNING\\n\\u2022 The end of \\u2026what\\nPDF LIVE NOTES FOR THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST .COM By Russ Dizdar \\xa9 15\\nAnd I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying, \\u201cLook! The tabernacle of God is\\nwith men, and He will dwell with them. They shall be His people, and God Himself\\nwill be with them and be their God.\\n4\\n\\u2018God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. There\\nshall be no more death.\\u2019 Neither shall there be any more\\nsorrow nor crying nor pain, for the former things have\\npassed away.\\u201d\\nRevelation 21\\n1. Just love God.\\n2. Just know God.\\n3. Just give God your all\\n4. Just trust God.\\n5. YOU ARE GOING TO SEE!\\nThey shall see His face Rev 22.'