Episode 1604: CODE RED ENEMY OF THE STATE PART 3 ...remember ... hand in the glove

Published: Dec. 10, 2020, midnight

b"ENEMY OF THE STATE\\nA SIX PART SERIES\\nPART THREE\\n\\nhttp://www.theraggededgeradio.com/files/LIVE%20NOTES%20DEC%201ST%20CODE%20RED%20(1)%202%203.pdf\\nENEMY OF EVERYTHING STATE ELSE\\nTHE FINAL HOUR OF HUMAN HISTORY\\nNone of the rulers of this age knew it. For had they known it,\\nthey would not have crucified the Lord of glory.\\n1Corinthians 2\\nYour enemy the devil\\u2026\\n1 Peter 5\\nPREEMPTOR\\nhttps://mailchi.mp/28bffc046fdf/its-not-over-how-to-anticipate-the-greatest-works-of-god-ever-487312?e=0e50e2ee57\\nNEWS\\nWhatever happens, we may be certain of three things-a world government will be formed; the\\nAntichrist will be revealed; and he and his world system will be destroyed by Jesus Christ at His\\nsecond coming. The only thing we don't know is when this all will happen. Before the nations of\\nthe world ultimately embrace a system of global government, they must first have a reason to\\ndo so. Humanity, convinced that permanent world peace cannot be attained without the creation\\nof a powerful world authority capable of protecting countries from one another, will eventually\\nsacrifice the current world order-seeing no alternative. Significant strides have already been\\nmade in this direction since the turn of the century, and if history repeats itself, further\\n\\u201cprogress\\u201d will be made soon. Two world wars have already been fought in the twentieth\\ncentury. In each case, an aggressive power was used to ignite a crisis that drew in the rest of the\\nworld; and both times the aggressor was defeated. After each war, a supranational organization\\nwas established for the alleged purpose of promoting world peace, first the League of Nations,\\nthen the United Nations. Each organization has brought us one step closer to the realization of a\\none-world government The United Nations today is the closest thing to world government that\\nhumanity has ever known. Unlike the incomplete League of Nations, which consisted of only 63\\ncountries and did not include the United States, the United Nations consists of 159 nations, nearly\\nevery country in the world. Its infrastructure is all-encompassing and includes the World Court, \\nLIVE NOTES FOR THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO .COM By Russ Dizdar \\xa9 Code Red Enemy of the State 10\\nthe U.N. peace-keeping forces, and specialized organizations ranging from the International\\nMonetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to the World Health Organization (WHO). It overseas\\ndozens of additional agencies ranging from UNESCO to UNICEF, covering virtually every aspect of\\nlife. The U.N. lacks only the power to implement and enforce its strategies.\\nKah, Gary. En Route To Global Occupation - A High Ranking Government Liaison Exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification\\n(Kindle Locations 2598-2612). . Kindle Edition.\\nIntro- Jesus meets \\u2026..\\n1. THE POWER OF THE STATE \\u2026 ROME\\n\\u2022 Built on conquest\\n\\u2022 Massive powerful nation Ed. War culture pax roma\\n\\u2022 Secular? Cults religion poly-\\n\\u2022 Anything but Christ as God and as Savior\\n\\u2022 Emperor worship\\u2026 antichrist\\n2. WHAT NATION WOULD YOU WANT TO LIVE IN?\\nhttps://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=song+christian+persecution&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dsong%2bchristian%2bpersecution%26FORM%3dHDRSC3&view=detail&mid=A9884C44034BD5AD9C72A9884C44034BD5AD9C72&&FORM=VDRVRV"