DARK MORALITY PART TWO A dark code of corruption and more... inside

Published: Nov. 19, 2020, midnight

b'7 Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that will he also\\nreap. 8\\nFor the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap\\ncorruption, Galatians 6\\nTo be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, 7 for\\nthe carnal mind is hostile toward God, for it is not subject to the law of God, nor\\nindeed can it be, 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8\\nIntro- Criminology\\nUpdate on Wilfred Wong\\nThe sin-dark morality code\\n1. IT IS THE CORRUPTION WITHIN\\n\\u2022 It desires to dominate you\\n\\u2022 Drive you darker\\n\\u2022 Deeper and wide open to Eph. 2\\nJudas\\n2. IT SEEMS THAT IT IS ACTIVE\\nLIVE NOTES FOR WWW.THERAGGEDEDGERADIO.COM BY RUSS DIZDAR \\xa9 8\\n\\u2022 In your thinking\\n\\u2022 In your understanding\\nCannot understand how they could kill a baby\\n3. IT SEEMS THAT IT WANTS MORE\\n\\u2022 Total entanglement\\n\\u2022 Always wants more\\n\\u2022 \\u2026. Like the very substance of satan Eph.\\nIniquity found in him/ Ezekiel 28\\n4. IT IS CLEAR\\u2026. HOSTILE AGAINST GOD\\n\\u2022 Romans 8\\na. In you\\nb.Moving you\\nc. Hostile against God\\nd.Can obey God\\n5. IT RENDERS A PERSON INCAPABLE OF EMBRACING GOD\\n\\u2022 Dead in trespass and sin\\n\\u2022 Jesus the sin bearer\\n\\u2022 Jesus the sin conquer-er\\n\\u2022 Jesus and POWER over sin\\n Romans 8 the Law of the Spirit of Life through \\n\\n\\nhttps://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=christian+song+forgiveness&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dchristian%2bsong%2bforgiveness%26qs%3dn%26form%3dQBVR%26sp%3d-1%26ghc%3d1%26pq%3dchristian%2bsong%2bforgivenes%26sc%3d5-25%26sk%3d%26cvid%3d9E46680142304939B4A5A0B439F76B29&view=detail&mid=6265B6A904FF90911D056265B6A904FF90911D05&&FORM=VDRVRV'