Published: Feb. 25, 2020, midnight

b'Hava Siegelmann, Microsystems Technology Office Programs Manager At DARPA\\nEvery technology can be used for bad. I think it\\u2019s in the hands of the ones that use it. I don\\u2019t think there is\\na bad technology, but there will be bad people. It comes down to who has access to the technology and\\nhow we use it. https://futurism.com/artificial-intelligence-experts-fear\\n1. PART ONE WHAT IS AN \\u2018AVATAR\\u2019?\\n2. PART TWO WHAT IS HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS?\\n3. PART THREE HUMAN DESTINY \\u2013 STARING DEATH IN THE \\u2026\\n4. PART FOUR WHAT IS INDESTRUCTIBLE IRREVERSIBLE IMMORTALITY\\n5. PART FIVE GOD IMMEASURABLE KNOWABLE FACE TO FACE\\n LIVE NOTES\\nTHE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST WORLDWIDE\\nARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AVATARS\\nAND HUMAN DESTINY\\n\\n1. PART ONE WHAT IS AN \\u2018AVATAR\\u2019?'