Published: Feb. 7, 2012, 12:43 a.m.

b'They are not what you think\\u2026\\u2026by design!\\n\\nBillions know of the phenomenon and hundreds of millions believe they may be here. The ancient aliens phenomenon may not be random or the fairy tales of the few. This can be a coordinated and progressive engagement with humanity by being far superior to us. The issues are; who are they really, what do they really want and when will they make themselves known?\\n\\nIs it all just bumps in the night and the illusions or drug induced experiences of some?\\n\\nAre they an ancient alien race who placed humanity on this planet and now they are returning?\\n\\nAre they a more advance race (s) who are observing us and examining us? But for what reason?\\n\\nAre they going to \\u2018disclose\\u2019, invade or just play games as a cat does with the mouse?\\n\\nMONDAY FEB 6TH SHATTER LIVE RADIO BROADCAST AT 6PM\\nANCIENT ALIENS: Origins, influence and global expectations. Some facts, lights in the sky and beings in the room\\u2026.Whitley Strieber\\u2019s communion, is this what we really want?\\n\\nTUESDAY FEB 7TH SHATTER LIVE RADIO BROADCAST AT 6PM\\nANCIENT ALIENS: Erich Von Daniken, extraterrestrials and the return of the gods. Where Erich Von Daniken, the history channel and ancient alienology went wrong. Misinterpreting Nephilim and fallen angle origins and visitations. \\n\\nWEDNESDAY FEB 8TH SHATTER LIVE RADIO BROADCAST AT 6PM\\nANCIENT ALIENS: Contact, communication and who they really are. Naming this spieces of extra dimensional beings. There are there\\u2026here but they are not what \\n\\nTHURSDAY FEB 9TH SHATTER LIVE RADIO BROADCAST AT 6PM\\nANICENT ALIENS: Beings creating expectations, synchronizing with old occult, new age and 2012 spiritual/supernatural phenomenon. How ancient alien presence fits with end times deception. The spirit of antichrist and Billy Meyer?\\n\\nFRIDAY FEB 10TH SHATTER LIVE RADIO BROADCAST AT 6PM\\nANCIENT ALIENS: What they seek, what they fear and what they don\\u2019t want anyone to know. Five similarities between ancient aliens and demonic methodology.'