How to Bulletproof Your Emergency Fund

Published: Feb. 17, 2020, 6:30 a.m.

b'This is the third episode in my series covering the Ramsey Baby Steps, and I\\u2019m going to be real with you: Baby Step 3 is hard. As you save up three to six months of expenses for your emergency fund, there aren\\u2019t any quick wins or milestones. But it\\u2019s your last big sprint before you finally get to build wealth and give like no one else, so I\\u2019m here to keep you motivated!\\n \\xa0\\n In this episode of The Rachel Cruze Show, you\\u2019ll learn:\\n \\xa0\\n 3 keys to having a bulletproof emergency fund\\n How to find cold hard cash in your freezer\\n A money tendency I used to be really immature about\\n \\xa0\\n Sponsors pay the producer of this show, The Lampo Group, LLC, advertising fees for mentioning their services or products during programming. Advertising fees are not based upon or otherwise tied to any product sale or business transacted between any consumer or sponsor. The following sponsors have paid for the programming you are viewing:\\n \\xa0\\n \\u2014 Zander Insurance \\xa0\\n Resources (everything mentioned in this episode):\\n Zander Insurance Financial Peace University'