EP65: Apeel Sciences is Using Food to Protect Food and Reduce Global Waste

Published: Sept. 11, 2019, 11:52 a.m.


\\u201cA third to a half of all the food we produce is wasted. There\'s a food supply gap that we can begin to close and make an impact on if we just waste less.\\u201d

Natalie Shuman - (4:58-5:12)


Apeel Sciences is one of the most buzz-worthy brands and products in the produce industry, agriculture, and the entire world. Natalie Shuman paved her path in the fresh produce industry. She\\u2019s the director of marketing for Apeel Sciences, a company developing a product line of solutions made from the materials found in the fruit we eat. They\\u2019ve created a peel that can increase the shelf life of the produce you find in your local grocery store, benefiting the entire supply chain all the way to consumers\\u2019 homes.\\xa0


Apeel Sciences is making a tremendous impact on our global food supply chain and mitigating food waste. The demand on the global food supply is expected to increase by 70% between now and 2050, and we currently waste a third to a half of all the food we produce.\\xa0


\\u201cYou\'ll never feel bad about inspiring and encouraging people to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.\\u201d - Natalie Shuman (8:23-8:29)


The company has some of the smartest and innovative scientists and business people behind it. They love food and want to protect their families as they face threats to our global food system. They\\u2019re applying their knowledge and skills in the mission to find solutions that work with nature, not against it.\\xa0


Apeel Sciences is elevating the produce industry and every human being that lives on this earth with a product that extends the shelf life of foods. The product is applied to produce in the post-harvest stage of the supply chain. This minimizes food waste from the time that the produce is packed and transported. It\\u2019s been tested and shown that it can double or triple the shelf life of foods.\\xa0


\\u201cWe can\'t take a bad piece of fruit and make it better. What we can do is take a great piece of fruit and extend the length of time that fruit can be consumed.\\u201d - Natalie Shuman (12:27-12:38)


Apeel Sciences is partnering with top growers and suppliers in the country and around the world to extend quality and freshness in foods. It\\u2019s helping increase sales for retailers who reduce the amount of food they have to throw out. This also indicates how consumers are responding, showing an even greater demand for produce solutions. The product is made from the materials that you can already find in the peels, seeds, and pulp of fresh fruits and vegetables. The product is a solution that uses food to protect food. Apeel Sciences products are making their way into many popular grocery stores. Their brand is proving to be an important one for agriculture and the world.\\xa0


How to get involved

  • Join The Produce Moms Group on Facebook and continue the discussion every week!\\xa0
  • Reach out to us - we\\u2019d love to hear more about where you are in life and business! Find out more here.\\xa0


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