The Queer Childrens Books Targeted by Conservative Lawmakers

Published: Dec. 28, 2022, 5 p.m.

b'In 2022, three hundred and forty pieces of legislation in twenty-three states targeted L.G.B.T.Q. rights. The most high-profile was Florida\\u2019s \\u201cDon\\u2019t Say Gay\\u201d bill\\u2014officially the Parental Rights in Education Act\\u2014introduced by Governor Ron DeSantis. The law limits the discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in grade-school classrooms, including through the removal of books and other educational materials. DeSantis, of course, won a landslide re\\xeblection contest in November, with parental rights a central part of his platform. In July, when the \\u201cDon\\u2019t Say Gay\\u201d law was newly implemented, Jessica Winter joined Tyler Foggatt to discuss the history of queer children\\u2019s literature, why the right finds it so dangerous, and how its banning will affect the lives and education of young people.\\nThis episode was originally released on July 14, 2022.'