Jon Meacham: Indictment Wont Break Trump Fever

Published: April 3, 2023, 1:01 p.m.

b'In 2018, at the midpoint of the Trump Presidency, the journalist and historian Jon Meacham wrote a book called \\u201cThe Soul of America,\\u201d warning of the gravity of Trump\\u2019s threat to democracy. This was hardly a unique point of view, but Meacham\\u2019s particular way of putting things, steeped in a critical reverence for American history, hit home with one reader in particular: Joe Biden. In the years since, Meacham became an informal adviser to Biden, helping him recently with the State of the Union address. Meacham, who has written biographies of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, George H. W. Bush, John Lewis, and, now, Abraham Lincoln, reflects on the vulnerability of American democracy in the current moment, with an overt autocrat as the leading Republican contender for the next Presidential election. \\u201cHaving a dictatorial figure is not new either in human experience or American history. What is new is that so many people are willing to suspend their better judgment to support him,\\u201d he says. \\u201cI am flummoxed to some extent at the durability of partisan feeling.\\u201d'