In Pennsylvania, a Pipeline Shakes up the Political Map

Published: Oct. 29, 2018, 4 p.m.

The reporter Eliza Griswold has long been following political campaigns in Pennsylvania.  She has found that, for voters across a wide swath of the state, the thing that’s foremost on people’s minds isn’t Donald Trump but a pipeline running through their back yards.  The Mariner East 2 pipeline project carries gas by-products of fracking from the Marcellus shale in west-central Pennsylvania, and carries them east, to a port where the products are shipped overseas. The Democratic governor and Republican legislature have both supported it. The opposition, too, is bipartisan. Griswold followed Danielle Friel Otten, a first-time candidate for the state Assembly, as she went door to door in Exton, Pennsylvania, campaigning against the Mariner East pipeline.  Friel Otten would like to unseat her Republican opponent—and then hold her own party accountable.