DeSantis vs. Trump: A Fight to the Death for Florida

Published: Dec. 8, 2022, 12:34 a.m.

b'Florida\\u2019s governor,\\xa0Ron DeSantis, won re\\xeblection by a stunning nineteen-point margin. With that kind of popularity\\u2014in a state with twenty-nine electoral votes\\u2014he seems well positioned to run for President. To do so, he must win supporters away from\\xa0Donald Trump, who has already announced a 2024 run, in a speech delivered from Mar-a-Lago. DeSantis has questioned the \\u201chuge underperformance\\u201d of Trump-endorsed Republicans in the midterms, while touting his own brand of politics. Could he be the next leader of the G.O.P.? Dexter Filkins, who profiled the Governor earlier this year, joins Tyler Foggatt to discuss how Florida became ground zero of the new Republican Party.'