Could Kyrsten Sinema's Party Switch Be Good for Democracy?

Published: Dec. 14, 2022, 7:08 p.m.

b'Last week, the Arizona senator Kyrsten Sinema announced that she would be leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an Independent\\u2014a decision that seems especially dramatic given the Democrats\\u2019 slim majority. Yet Sinema is joining a growing bloc of about forty per cent of the electorate that does not identify with either party. Amy Davidson Sorkin joins Tyler Foggatt to discuss the causes of this widespread dissatisfaction, and whether an Independent movement could energize electoral politics in our highly partisan moment. \\u201cIn theory, a third party would be great, and yet it\\u2019s so worrisome because there\\u2019s all of these real threats to democracy in the last few years,\\u201d Sorkin says. \\u201cBut another threat to democracy is people feeling deeply alienated from politics and like there is no home for them.\\u201d'