A Year of the War in Ukraine

Published: Feb. 20, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'In the year since Russia\\u2019s invasion, Ukrainians have shown incredible fortitude on the battlefield. Yet an end to the conflict seems nowhere in sight. \\u201cPutin\\u2019s strategy could be defined as \\u2018I can\\u2019t have it\\u2014nobody can have it.\\u2019 And, sadly, that\\u2019s where the tragedy is right now,\\u201d Stephen Kotkin, a fellow at the Hoover Institution and a scholar of Russian history, tells David Remnick. \\u201cUkraine is winning in the sense that [it] didn\\u2019t allow Russia to take that whole country. But it\\u2019s losing in the sense that its country is being destroyed.\\u201d Kotkin says that the standards for a victory laid out by President Volodymyr Zelensky set an impossibly high bar, and that Ukraine\\u2014however distasteful the prospect\\u2014may be forced to cut its losses. He suggests it could accept its loss of control over some of its territory while aiming to secure expedited accession to the European Union, and still consider this a victory.\\nRemnick also speaks with Sevgil Musaieva, the thirty-five-year-old editor-in-chief of Ukrainska Pravda, an online publication based in Kyiv, about the toll that the war is taking on her and her peers. \\u201cWe have to destroy the Soviet Empire and the ghosts of the Soviet Empire, and this is the goal of our generation,\\u201d Musaieva says. \\u201cPeople of my generation, they don\\u2019t have family. They don\\u2019t have kids. They just dedicate their lives\\u2014the best years of their lives\\u2014to country.\\u201d\\nKotkin says that the standards for a victory laid out by President Volodymyr Zelensky set an impossibly high bar, and that Ukraine\\u2014however distasteful the prospect\\u2014may be forced to cut its losses. He suggests it might need to accept its loss of control over some of its territory while aiming to secure expedited accession to the European Union, and still consider this a victory.'