A Mysterious Third Party Enters the 2024 Presidential Race

Published: July 17, 2023, 4 p.m.

b'No Labels, which pitches itself as a centrist movement to appeal to disaffected voters, has secured a considerable amount of funding and is working behind the scenes to get on Presidential ballots across the country. The group has yet to announce a candidate, but \\u201cmost likely we\\u2019ll have both a Republican and Democrat on the ticket,\\u201d Pat McCrory, the former governor of North Carolina and one of the leaders of No Labels, tells David Remnick. Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are reportedly under consideration, but McCrory will not name names, nor offer any specifics on the group\\u2019s platform, including regarding critical issues such as abortion and gun rights. That opacity is by design,\\xa0Sue Halpern, who has covered the group, says. \\u201cThe one reason why I think they haven\\u2019t put forward a candidate is once they do that, then they are required to do all the things that political parties do,\\u201d she says. \\u201cAt the moment, they\\u2019re operating like a PAC, essentially. They don\\u2019t have to say who their donors are.\\u201d Third-party campaigns have had significant consequences in American elections, and, with both Donald Trump and Joe Biden historically unpopular, a third-party candidate could peel a decisive number of moderate voters away from the Democratic Party.'