The Pod of Five Rings Ep. 6 - Best of the Best

Published: March 26, 2021, 9:35 p.m.

Best of The Best is the quintessential underdog team movie that delivers on what it promises: this is some of the best of the best martial arts storytelling, and character development, and kicked off a staple franchise in the “direct-to-DVD” market.

In this week’s Pod of Five Rings, hosts @joe_cebula and @rock.n.rowland discuss Best of The Best (known as BoB by the cool people) going in to its strengths as a narrative, what it says about teamwork and leadership, as well as some of the darker aspects of competition.

Also, did we mention James Earl Jones is in it?

Follow Rob Rowland @rock.n.rowland

Follow Joe Cebula @joe_cebula

Best of the Best (1989)
Director: Rob Radler