Fuel - Church. | Pastor Doug Lasit

Published: Oct. 22, 2019, 7:31 p.m.


1. Galaxies and Governments: The Church Is Not Peripheral to the World, and the World is Peripheral to the church. When God comes in and begins to move, the world can't stop it. 2. Fitted: Know God, Discover Purpose, Build Community, Live  Generously. 3. The crowd: Find your people, Change the world. 4. Fuel: What you need when you need it. Jesus gives us the fuel we need to face every challenge, to accomplish the plans He has for us, and to selflessly and generously serve others according to His will. God will give you everything you need beyond the maximum. Acts 1:8. Definition: The word power is the word dynamic. It is used 120 times in the New Testament, and it means power or fuel. It is where we get the word dynamite. God wants you to be surprised at how powerful he is when you need him.1. Humanity- The power of his resurrection. The river of God is always full and flowing. He is never empty. He has power for you. 2. The Church- The Power if God in the Great Commission. Eph 3:20. 3. The person- the power to restore, renew and refresh.
