SERMONS #66 As a Consuming Fire (11/19/23)

Published: Nov. 19, 2023, 7:11 p.m.

\\n30:50 – Were the giants called “Anakim” in Hebrew members of the giant race called “Anunnaki” in Sumerian? Was the Ark of the Covenant the same as the Ark of the Testimony, or were they two quite different boxes, with two quite different functions? What does Deuteronomy 10 mean by a “heaven of the heavens,” a “god of the gods,” and a “lord of the lords”? Dave in Kentucky will ‘splain it to you, loosely.
\\nShow art: An apparently modern work depicting the Ark of the Covenant going before the Israelites into battle, destroying their enemies “as a consuming fire.” Title, artist and dates unknown. (Sources failed to attribute.)
\\nTheme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin\\u2019s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
\\nThis show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Attribution: by Dave in Kentucky \\u2013 more info at and
\\nThis episode, along with all other episodes of SERMONS, is also available at