Overnightscape Central Fast Food, The Occult and Other Bad Ideas (1/12/24)

Published: Jan. 12, 2024, 6:13 a.m.

\\n3:00:19 – Rookie host Dave in Kentucky is joined by Brendan (the) Meanderer (at 22:22), Chad Bowers of TITFOS (at 1:03:46), the Midnight Citizen Mike Boody (at 1:48:19), and Frank Edward Nora of Overnightscape fame (at 2:07:40) for a three-hour cruise visiting Fast Food, The Occult and Other Bad Ideas. A Good Time was Had by All.
\\nNext month’s topics: Old-Time Rock ‘n’ Roll, Old-Time Religion and Old-Time Radio. Talk about one, two or all three topics. Send mp3’s to DaveKY at mail.com by 6pm Central Time on February 10, 2024. Earlier submissions are encouraged and appreciated.
\\nShow art: \\u201cThe Noordermarkt by Night\\u201d (1840) by Petrus van Schendel (1806-1870) depicting \\u201cnight people\\u201d typical of the Overnightscape Underground.
\\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license.
\\nAttribution: by Dave in Kentucky. Other contributors “appear” courtesy of themselves.